Digimon Masters Online Wiki

MetalGarurumon is a Cyborg Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Metal Garurumon". It is the final form of Garurumon, and powered itself up by metallizing almost its entire body. Not only has it retained its natural keenness when it underwent metallization, but it can also pulverize the opponent with the countless weapons concealed throughout its body. Invisible lasers are radiated from the four laser sights on the tip of its nose, and because it is able to analyze the targets before it using all of its sensors, such as infrared rays and X-rays, it is impossible to escape MetalGarurumon even when among the darkness outside of its field of vision. Also, it can release beam-shaped wings from the arms which grow from its back, allowing it to fly about the Net Space at ultra-high speeds.


MetalGarurumon digivolves from WereGarurumon at level 41.

MetalGarurumon digivolves to Z'dGarurumon at level 65 (with the Z'dHou).

MetalGarurumon Jogress Digivolves to Omnimon at level 41 (with WarGreymon at level 41 and the Jogress Chip)

  • Z'dGarurumon must be locked in order to evolve into Omnimon.


  • Grace Cross Freezer 
  • Cocytus Breath 